It is a Miracle: Caison Robinson was not Killed

On May 9, 2023, in northwest Las Vegas, 14-year-old Caison Robinson was outside his home and he was shot by a drive-by shooter. The gun that was used by the shooter had a switch button making it a machine gun. Caison was hit many times. One bullet struck his colon, part of which had to be removed, another bullet pierced his liver, a third hit a vein in his abdomen and other bullets broke his femur and caused nerve damage to his arm. The “button” on the Glock made a single shot weapon a war weapon.  

The Glock Switch is a small button made on a 3d printer. This added quarter size button allows the Glock to fire 20 bullets per second. This makes the gun difficult to control and puts more bystanders at risk of being hit with a bullet.

This is a new added layer of danger that is part of living in a city where shootings are a common occurrence.


Tally #1

On May 24, 2022, an 18-year-old fatally shot nineteen children and two teachers and wounded seventeen others at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The children were in the fourth grade. The children were watching a movie when the killer came into their classroom with an assault rifle, and killed them.

How do the people who oppose banning the sale/ownership of assault weapons stay in power? They stay in power because they are elected to represent the people of their state. They are not hiding their position on gun control. These representatives state very bluntly that they support the sale/ownership of weapons of war. We, as Americans, are letting this happen over and over again.

If your state has a government official who is pro assault weapons, who is against gun control on any level, then you, as a citizen of that state, must make your voice heard.

Hear in your head the children in that forth grade classroom screaming and crying. See in your mind’s eye the carnage that the assault rifle caused to those small bodies.

The shooting at the Robb Elementary School does not only belong to Texas. That shooting and all the shootings, belong to every American. We as citizens of America, must make the change happen.

If He Only Was Not Carrying a Gun

On Valentine’s Day 2022, the Alvarez family were on their way to a special family dinner in Huston, Texas. Armando Alvarez made a stop at a drive-thru ATM. As he waited in line a robbery took place. There was gun fire and Armando told his family to duck down in the car. Nine-year-old Arlene Alvarez was sitting in the backseat of her parents’ car wearing headphones and she did not hear the warning. Arlene was shot in the head and killed.

This tragedy happened because Tony Earls was robbed $20 dollars at the ATM. He was carrying a gun so he pulled out his gun and randomly started shooting. His gun fire struck Arlene and killed her.

If Tony Earls had not been carrying a gun on that Valentine’s Day, Arlene Alvarez would be alive.

Seventy two million people report as owning guns in the USA.

Only In America

On November 30, 2021, students left home to go to Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan, thinking it was going to be a normal school day. But it was not a normal school day. At about 12:51 p.m.,15-year-old Ethan Crumbley left a boy’s bathroom with the gun his father bought four days earlier. He fired at students in the hallway and he killed four schoolmates and wounded six other students and one teacher. The four students who did not come home to their families because they were shot dead at school by a peer, are 16-year-old Tate Myre, 14-year-old Hana St. Juliana, 17-year-old Madisyn Baldwin and 17-year-old Justin Shilling.

There have been at least 29 school shootings in 2021. Eight children have been killed in shootings in schools this year and 48 have been injured. America holds the world record for school shootings.

The gun culture is alive and well in America, while Tate Myre, Hana St. Juliana, Madisyn Baldwin and Justin Shilling are dead.

“Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is stated in the United States Declaration of Independence. A gun’s only purpose is to kill and take away “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Guns take away these rights that America is founded on.

Again-and the public outrage is null.

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Friday, April 20, 2018, 17-year-old boy was shot in the ankle by a 19-year-old man. He was shot in school.

This happened on the day of a National Walkout Against Gun Violence. Students at Forest High School, Ocala, Florida were planning to walk out in protest against gun violence. Before they could participate in this peaceful statement against gun violence, shots broke out in their high school.

All reports are focused on the fact that the injury was not “life threatening”. Let us be clear a gunshot wound to the ankle can be life changing. Being shot is life changing.

This should not be acceptable.

Each one of us needs to address the culture of guns in America.

Two High School Students Shot Dead-AGAIN

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I am screaming this to you: Tuesday, January 23, 2018, two Marshall County High School students went to school and were shot dead by a fellow student with a hand gun. The students who died were Bailey Nicole Holt, 15 years old and Preston Ryan Cope, also 15 years old. Twelve other students were hit with gun fire and five of these students are in critical condition. The shooter was 15 years old.

Did you hear me. Kids were shot and killed today at school. AGAIN. AGAIN.

And the news of a high school shooting was reduced to a chyron on the TV screen.



Have we no conscience as a country?

Bang, Bang #1

On Thursday, December 7, 2017, Casey Marquez and Francisco Fernandez went to school. They were students at Aztec High School in Aztec, New Mexico. Casey was 17 years old. Francisco was 18 years old.  They never came home from school.  They were shot dead at school.

On December 6, 2017, the House passed The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.  This will permit concealed carry license holders to conceal a handgun in other states.

No single legislation will prevent gun violence and no single legislation causes gun violence, but the national attitude prevents a change in the gun culture that is part of the American fabric.

The gun culture kills. Our youth are being killed at school. Our youth are being killed at concerts. Our youth are being killed at malls. Our youth are being shot and killed.

Casey and Francisco are dead. They were shot at school.

Where is our collective American conscience?


Jacob Hall Was Only Six Years Old


Jacob Hall went to school on September 28, 2016 ready to learn and ready to have a fun day. He was in first grade. Jacob was shot while playing in the playground. Jacob tragically died from the gunshot wound on Saturday, October 1, 2016. Jacob’s mom said that “He showed us how to love, laugh and smile even on days we did not want to,”  Jacob lost his young life because a 14-year-old boy had a gun.

The family of Jacob Hall describe him as an example of “pure love.”

Too Many Hash Marks

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The second weekend in June 2016 was horrible. It was horrible because on June 10, 2016, Christina Grimmie was shot to death. It was horrible because on June 11, 2016, 49 people at the Pulse Club were shot to death. Now the number of victims from gun violence will include these deaths. The new total will include the death of these 50 people. These people who died will become hash marks in the never ending death count from gun violence. But these people are not hash marks they were sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. Some were short, some were tall, some were serious some were carefree, some were men some were women. We the people of America must see each death from gun violence as individuals, as our brothers and our sisters. Only then can we see that we the people of America must make changes in our gun laws. We the people must have the courage to do the right thing. Change is slow but change only happens when there is a start. The start must happen. These victims are not hash marks, they were members of our community.


Summer is a wonderful time of the year. The sun shines, children are out of school and families spend time together. Even in a hot city summer can be joyous. Children play on the sidewalks and parents sit on the stoops talking.

But it is summer 2016 and in Chicago parents will keep children inside. In Chicago communities are filled with fear. In Chicago gun violence is up 50%.

In Chicago on May 27, 2016 the residents and community leaders rallied together to take back the streets, to make their communities safe. On May 28, 2016, the police reported, 19 people had been shot, four shot dead, including a 15-year-old girl.

The people who make up the city of Chicago are scared of summer. They are scared to walk on the sidewalks; they are scared to let their children play in the sunshine.

Does the sun shine is Chicago or only produce a glare that shields the violence?


Tally-keeping count